Andrea Alarcon
Andrea’s interests lie in the intersection of ICTD and cultural internet studies, as well as transculturalism and multilingualism on the web. She is particularly interested in the appropriation of social media in developing countries, especially as gateways to the web, and the influence of socioeconomic background and entrenched inequalities on the online experience. She received her MSc degree from the Oxford Internet Institute, and her BSc in online journalism from the University of Florida. She also worked as a Research Assistant with Microsoft Research’s Social Media Collective. Before academia, she worked as a web producer and editor for the World Bank, and in social media for Discovery Channel in Latin America. She currently writes about digital culture for Colombian mainstream media.
- Website:
- Twitter: @a2sojet
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Soledad Altrudi
Originally from Argentina, Soledad Altrudi earned her B.A. in International Relations at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires. She has also completed graduate studies in Political Science and Sociology at FLACSO, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, and earned a Masters of Public Diplomacy at USC. She has worked at USC’s Center on Communication Leadership and Policy as a Geoffrey Cowan endowed research scholar, and is also a founding organizer of Annenberg’s Communication and Cultural Studies graduate student conference, Critical Mediations. Her research interests lie at the intersection of media and science and technology, and focus on exploring the various effects that technology has on our environment and daily lives as well as on human/non-human/other entanglements.
- Twitter: @solera4
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Jeeyun (Sophia) Baik
I am a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley School of Information. I earned my PhD in Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California (USC). My research centers on the politics of technology governance around issues ranging from privacy and surveillance to content moderation and AI. My current research projects examine (1) stakeholder responses to emerging data privacy laws (particularly civil society and advertising industry), (2) rights-based approaches to platform governance (e.g., civil rights, human rights), and (3) online activism for data justice. My work is situated at the intersection of media studies, critical data studies, socio-legal studies, and science and technology studies. My dissertation investigated the civil right of data privacy as a regulatory alternative to address discrimination and structural inequities amplified on digital platforms. In doing so, I closely followed civil society coalitions across digital rights and civil rights organizations who are pushing for data privacy as a “civil right” in the United States. Mapping the civil society perspectives onto the data-driven political economy and emerging privacy laws (e.g., California Consumer Privacy Act), I articulated the limitations of a traditional neoliberal approach to privacy legislation and suggested new ways to envision a more equitable policy framework. I received my Master of Public Diplomacy at USC and my B.A. in International Relations at Seoul National University in South Korea. Prior to the doctoral program, I produced broadcasting news and worked in Public Relations at various media/cultural organizations.
- Website:
- Twitter: @jeeyunbaik
Thomas J. Billard
- Website:
- Twitter: @thomasjbillard
- LinkedIn: Thomas J. Billard
Melissa Brough
Melissa Brough is Assistant Professor of Communication & Technology in the Department of Communication Studies at California State University, Northridge. Her work considers the role of communication technology in the social, cultural, and political lives of youth and historically disenfranchised groups. Her research has been published in Mobile Media and Communication, the International Journal of Communication, and the Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, among others. Her book on youth and digital participation is forthcoming from Duke University Press.
- Twitter: @broughest
Samantha Close
- Twitter: @butnocigar
Kevin Driscoll
Kevin Driscoll is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Virginia. His research explores popular culture, political communication, and networked personal computing. Some of his recent work explores everyday and emerging uses of social media such as live-tweeting, joking about politics, and spreading rumors. In 2017, he published a technical and cultural history of the French Minitel with Julien Mailland from Indiana University titled Minitel: Welcome to the Internet. Currently, he is writing a book tracing the pre-history of social media through the dial-up bulletin board systems of the 1980s and 1990s. Kevin joined the University of Virginia in the fall of 2016 after working as a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research. He holds a PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California and an M.S. from Comparative Media Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Previously, he taught mathematics and computer science for grades 6-12 at Prospect Hill Academy Charter School in Cambridge, MA.
- Website:
- Twitter: @kevindriscoll
Yomna Elsayed

- LinkedIn: Yomna Elsayed
Michelle C. Forelle
- LinkedIn: MC Forelle
Liana Gamber Thompson
Liana is Sr. K12 Marketing Manager at Amazon Web Services, where she supports K12 schools and districts drive innovation with the cloud. Previously, she was Digital Project and Operations Manager at EdSurge, an award-winning education news organization that reports on the people, ideas and technologies that shape the future of learning, and continued in that role when EdSurge became part of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Before that, Liana was a researcher on youth activism with Civic Paths at USC, Community Manager at Connected Camps, and Program Associate at the National Writing Project. She is co-author of By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from UC Santa Cruz. She lives in the Los Angeles area with her partner and two kids, where she enjoys baking, crochet, and local politics.
- Website:
- LinkedIn: Liana Gamber-Thompson
Brooklyne Gipson
- Website:
- Twitter: @Brooklyne
Joss Areté Kelvin
Joss Areté Kelvin is an avant-pop multimedia storyteller whose work incorporates digital design, film, music, dance, literature, immersive theatre/nightlife & interactive emerging technology. Born in NYC, they currently live in Britain via the Global Talent “Promising Leader” visa, after graduating with Distinction from the MA in Creative Writing at the University of Manchester, where they were Editor of the MA anthology. They have directed music videos & contemporary dance films, & their first feature film as director and producer, the festival-premiering Your Friends Close, is currently streaming on Amazon. Their multimedia project, Cassandra, begins with a single & surrealist video & continues with an upcoming novel & EP. They’ve devised immersive experiences throughout Los Angeles, toured as a musician, & produced large-scale creative conferences, including the Transforming Hollywood conference (USC/UCLA) & other future-focused symposiums during their time working for pioneering media scholar Henry Jenkins. Their web design work includes sites for Jeanette Winterson, Henry Jenkins, the Civic Imagination Project, & the award-winning MacArthur-funded Digital Civics Toolkit. Their non-fiction writing has been published in Pop Culture and the Civic Imagination as well as online. Additionally, they work as a creative doula/freelance editor for novelists & screenwriters. They answer to any pronoun & will likely rebel against any box.
- Website:
- LinkedIn: Joss Areté Kelvin
Lori Kido Lopez
Lori Kido Lopez is a Professor of Media and Cultural Studies in the Communication Arts department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also Director of the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Lopez is the author of Asian American Media Activism: Fighting for Cultural Citizenship and Micro Media Industries: Hmong American Media Innovation in the Diaspora, editor of Race and Media: Critical Approaches, and co-editor of the Routledge Companion to Asian American Media. She is a Co-Editor at the International Journal for Cultural Studies. Her work examines race and ethnicity in the media through a cultural studies lens, deploying ethnography and interviews to examine the way that Asian Americans and other minority groups use media in the fight for social justice. Her current research examines Asian American documentaries and digital networks. Dr. Lopez received a PhD in Communication from the University of Southern California, an MA in Mass Communication from Indiana University, and a BA in Asian Studies and Media Studies from Pomona College. She is mixed-race Japanese American and is originally from Portland, OR.
- Website:
- Twitter: @kidolopez
Neta Kligler-Vilenchik
Neta Kligler-Vilenchik is Assistant Professor of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her work focuses on civic and political participation and expression in the context of the changing media environment, particularly among young people. Neta has published work in leading communication journals, including the Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, International Journal of Communication, Social Media + Society, Computers in Human Behavior, and others. She is a co-author of the book By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism published by NYU Press in 2016. Neta received her Ph.D. in Communication from the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.
- Website:
- Twitter: @netakv
Alex Leavitt
I’m an internet researcher, and I hold a PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at the University of Southern California. In 2016, I was named one of Pacific Standard’s 30 Top Thinkers Under 30. My research is extremely mixed methods, ranging from international ethnographic fieldwork to survey experiments to computational data analysis. Currently, I’m a senior researcher at Facebook, where I lead international research on politics & news, polarization & social conflict, incivility & hate speech, and misinformation & trust. Recently, in 2020, I also helped lead the company’s social science research on COVID-19’s global impact. At the Annenberg School, I studied networked technology and online culture, with a special focus on user-generated content sites. In particular, I looked at social media platforms and multiplayer online games to study how users and players develop emergent practices in these sociotechnical contexts. In my research, I combined traditional ethnographic methods with large-scale statistical data analysis and social network analysis. Various projects used data from Reddit, Twitter, EVE Online, Tumblr, Minecraft, Facebook, YouTube, League of Legends, Foursquare, and more.
- Website:
- Twitter: @alexleavitt
Diana Lee

Lauren Levitt

- LinkedIn: Lauren Levitt
Zhan Li
Zhan Li holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School, a B.A. in Social & Political Sciences and a M.Phil. in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University (Trinity), as well as a S.M. in Comparative Media Studies from MIT. For his Ph.D. he focused on the organizational sciences and researching the future of scenario planning, a widely used strategic foresight method. At Annenberg, Zhan also helped create the Annenberg Scenario Lab, which focuses on online media innovation in scenario planning techniques for a variety of organizations.
- LinkedIn: Zhan Li
Rogelio Alejandro Lopez

- Website:
- Twitter: @_ralopez_
- LinkedIn: Rogelio Alejandro Lopez
Azeb Madebo
Azeb Madebo earned her B.A. in Communication and minored in Anthropology and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. As a Ronald E. McNair and Mary Gates Research Scholar, she examined negotiations of Blackness by considering the experiences of East African (specifically Ethiopian) immigrant communities in Seattle. At USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, her research interests and work have centered on Africa (south of the Sahara), topics regarding development, and civic engagement. She’s worked on projects that look at transnational/transracial adoption and surrogacy and the racialized commodification of bodies; the racialization and identity negotiations of East African immigrants in the United States; civic imagination and networked mobilization in Ethiopia and its diaspora; and the relationships between discourses of sustainable development and techno-political governance in Africa. Her dissertation fieldwork and research, funded by USC’s Graduate School Research Enhancement Fellowship, will consider the relationship between imagination, civic engagement, technology, and discourses of development within Ethiopia.
- Website:
Joshua McVeigh-Schultz
Joshua McVeigh-Schultz is a hybrid ethnographer, design researcher, and media maker who recently earned a PhD from the Media Arts and Practice PhD program in USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. His research intersects fields of HCI, anthropology, media studies, and design theory, and his dissertation explores the intersection between ritual and design. In 2013, he won an Intel PhD Fellowship for his dissertation research. At MSR New England he studied the role of affordances in a microsocial relationship app, Couple. At Intel Labs’ Interaction Experience Research group (IXR), he researched youth and mobile media and developed UX insights for mobile play. For his dissertation, he explored the intersection between ritual and design in a range of contexts: civic participation, interpersonal communication, and human-object relationship formation. He earned an MFA at UC Santa Cruz’s Digital Arts & New Media program and also completed an MA in Asian Studies at UC Berkeley, where he researched identity performance in Japanese social media. As an undergraduate he completed a BA in anthropology from the University of Chicago. At USC, he worked as a designer in Scott Fisher’s Mobile and Environmental Media Lab, designing speculative interfaces for creative collaboration in VR (among other topics). He has also been a researcher for the Institute for Multimedia Literacy, a member of Henry Jenkins’s Civic Paths research group, and a contributor to the academic blog Culture Digitally. Between his undergraduate and graduate careers, he lived, studied, and taught in Japan and China.
- Website:
- Twitter: @joshuams
Ritesh Mehta
Ritesh Mehta is currently the Co-Director of Programming at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles. He has recently been part of the programming teams at two prominent LA-based film festivals, AFI Fest and Outfest. Ritesh also reads for Sundance Institute, works in film/TV development, and has published original articles in Poetics and Transformative Works and Cultures. Ritesh received his PhD in Communication from the Annenberg School at University of Southern California, where he conducted an ethnography of student professionalization in film school and was an active member of the Civic Paths research group in its formative years.
- Website:
- Twitter: @mehta_critic
- LinkedIn: Ritesh Mehta
joan miller
joan miller is a doctoral candidate in Communication at the University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, and a transmedia artist with a broadly interdisciplinary approach. joan’s work focuses on empathy at the intersection of media fandom and politics. Her dissertation – tentatively titled “The Use of Feeling” – explores the ways in which empathy and pathos govern our behavior both in relation to our fandom and to our communities at large. joan is especially interested in themes of kinship, empathic communication and anti-colonialist approaches to producing media scholarship. Currently, her attention is focused on theorizing and prototyping a methodology of fandom studies inspired by Bardic and Griotic traditions of the values and necessities for community storytelling.
- LinkedIn: joan miller
Rachel Moran

- Website:
- Twitter: @rachelemoran
- LinkedIn: Rachel Moran
Raffi Sarkissian

- Twitter: @rsark
- LinkedIn: Raffi Sarkissian
Andrew Schrock
Dr. Andrew R. Schrock is a professional academic editor at his company Indelible Voice, and founder of the research consultancy Aloi. He received his Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at USC. Previously, he taught courses on communication technologies, management, and software engineering at UCF, UCLA, USC, and CSU-DH for fifteen years. He is also known for his book Civic Tech: Making Technology Work for People, journalistic writing in publications like Public Books, and stories on Medium. He is usually a bit too active on Twitter, working on his next book, or cooking up tips for his editing and technology newsletters. When he’s not online, you can find Andrew hiking the wilds of California or playing video games with his daughter.
- Website:
- Twitter: @aschrock
- LinkedIn: Andrew Schrock
Paromita Sengupta
Paromita Sengupta was an assistant professor of Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts (BECA) at San Francisco State University. Sengupta had an interdisciplinary background in English, media studies and communication. She graduated with a Ph.D. in communication from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California in 2020. Her research and teaching focused on the intersection between digital media, popular culture, humor and civic engagement, and she worked with activist organizations both in the U.S. and India to create multimedia projects that increased social consciousness and media literacy. Sengupta tragically passed away in November 2020 and she is dearly missed by Civic Paths.
Benjamin Stokes
Benjamin Stokes is a civic media scholar, game designer, and director of The Playful City Lab. He is also an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication, and at the AU Game Center. Previously, he co-founded Games for Change, the movement hub for advancing social change with games. At the MacArthur Foundation prior to academia, Benjamin was a program officer in their portfolio on Digital Media and Learning. Benjamin has also worked at the UC Berkeley School of Information as a postdoctoral scholar in data science. Design experience in civil society includes leading teams at NetAid/Mercy Corps in global citizenship education. His new book is Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities (MIT Press, 2020). Recent collaborations with students include projects on neighborhood storytelling networks, place-based games, participatory design, and play that strengthens cities and communities.
- Website:
- Twitter: @bgstokes
Kari Storla
Kari Storla earned her Ph.D. in communication with a focus in rhetoric from the University of Southern California. She has been teaching at Woodbury University since 2017 and teaches classes in argumentation, public speaking, media studies, and media professions. In addition to Woodbury, she has taught at California State University Northridge, El Camino College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Valley College, and the University of Southern California.
- Website:
- Twitter: @karistorla
- LinkedIn: Kari Storla